As a Canadian girly, I'm pretty darn stoked for this Canada Day Long Weekend~! Whoooo!!! This year I could not need a long weekend any more. I am desperate to get out of this concrete city and out to the country for a much needed break. Although I have a midterm as soon as I get back (ugh, seriously), I'm going to try to take most of this weekend to myself and spend some quality time with J. I also just need some carefree days and some alcohol. The last time I had that was here:

It was me, 5 20-something boys from my high school grad class and alcohol for a glorious week.
*sigh* Pure bliss.
Lately I've just been feeling so down on myself about everything that I think I just need to get away. Away from my house, my roommate who is driving me C-R-A-Z-Y and school. J is simply sick of city life, having a roommate and being cooped up in an apartment. Yup, both J and I need it badly.
I woke up to the best email ever yesterday, my mother-in-law (who is AMAZING, love her to bits) inviting us out to their place for the weekend. I love their place. They live in a rancher on 26 acres in the Wack. It's only a 10 minute drive to town but it feels like the boonies with all the wide open spaces and the smell of cow pie fertilizer (yup, I'm a country girl). They have a decent size deck where MIL and I can proceed to get smashed on Malibu and pineapple juice while the boys (father-in-law and brother-in-law and J) dirtbike and get into trouble. I really do have the best inlaws ever. I would be lost without them. In fact, I spent all yesterday morning calling various aunts, uncles and cousins and begging them to come down for a weekend, I miss them all terribly. When we lived in the Loops for the first two years of our relationship, there were over 30 of us in his family living in a 5 block radius. Needless to say, they were a part of my everyday life and as much as they can drive me crazy, they are my family. I miss spending almost every weekend with them.
I'm really excited for this weekend, I wish we could just go right NOW. It's supposed to be super hot and sunny this weekend and I am dreaming of spending hours on the deck basking in the sun. I feel like I made a huge mistake by taking summer classes this year. Last year was really fun and I met one of my bestest friends in the world, S, but this year I just don't feel the same. I have my awesome amazing friends and I love seeing them but I'm feeling ridiculously burnt out and my head is anywhere but in class. In fact, I'm skipping today. Although today I think I have an excuse, I think I ate a sandwich yesterday in which the meat was notttt quite perfect and I've been sick since 4 am. If I were motivated I would suck it up and go up to campus, but today, not so much. Haha.
I'm just feeling very incredibly done with school. The pressure of grad school is getting to me. If I fail at getting in, then I've totally let not only myself down, but J and his family. J has sacrificed everything so I could chase this ridiculous dream and his family could have used us up in the Loops these past two years with his grandpa being sick. But we couldn't be there because of my school and they were understanding. If I don't get in though, wow, what a waste. My GPA just isn't anywhere near where they want it and I'm just not sure if I even have a long shot. *sigh* I really really really really hate school lately.
Well, the boys will be home for lunch in 5 and I don't have anything ready for them. Oops! Haha.
~ C
* Now playing: Rascal Flatts - Take Me There
via FoxyTunes
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