So I'm sitting here at home doing anything but finishing up the paper that's due this afternoon (hahaha!) and I was thinking I should introduce some of the most important people in my life. I'll start with Kirby the cat since she is cuddled up on my lap.
Kirby is our youngest "child", yes my pets are my kids. (I know, ridiculous but I'm 21 and going to school full-time, I'm not quite at the kids stage in my life so my pets will have to do!) We got her last summer when we moved into the place we live in now. We brought her home with a "full health guarantee" only to realize, mere hours later, that she had fleas and worms. Poor baby. We brought her to the vet ASAP and she has been a picture of health ever since. (Speaking of vets, ours is a jerk. Currently he sees both Kirby and our bearded dragon, Joe but has been nothing but awful to J and I. He treats us like the dirt on his shoes and is so rude. I realize that we are a young couple: J is 23 and as I said, I'm 21 ... and when he first met us I was 20 and J was 22 but Kirby was spayed the moment she was old enough, our pets go for regular check ups, are up to date on their shots and are well looked after. No need to be rude.)
Anyyyyhow, I swear Kirby makes my days complete. I'd never had a cat before and when we first brought her home the poor thing was petrified. She ran away, she hid .. I was devastated. You see, I'm probably one of the most affectionate people you will ever meet. I shower J, Kirby and Joe with hugs, kisses, cuddles and non-stop attention. So when Kirby was afraid of us, I thought it would be that way forever, my dreams of napping with her and watching movies with her on my lap were shot. At first J was pretending to be a hard-ass and said the cat had to sleep outside of our room, so he shut the door at night. After a week of her crying at our door and me crying in bed because I just want my kitten, he caved and she now sleeps wherever she pleases (usually on top of me somewhere).
Immediately Kirby's favorite thing was her "brother", Joe the beardie. She naps beside him during the day, runs to him when she's in trouble, refuses to eat until he has been fed too and gets very concerned if we carry him out of her sight. Unfortunately, originally Joe hated her. Poor bugger would get so distraught we had to put up a barrier between the two. Now he grudgingly acknowledges that she is a part of his life but shoots me the eye when she curls up next to his cage for a nap.
Since we live in a third storey apartment, Kirbs is an indoor cat but she has recently begun exploring the balcony as well. Our little munchkin completely runs this household. Mornings begin bright and early 7 days a week because if she hasn't been fed by 6:30 or 7am she stands on my chest, puts her nose to mine and stares until I wake up. She hates to be locked out of rooms, including the bathroom. Silly kitty sits on a towel on top of the toilet while J or I shower every day and gets royally offended if R doesn't do the same. When you use the washroom she sits outside the door or occasionally tries to break it down. At 3:45pm every work day she sits at the door waiting for her daddy to come home. He pretends he thinks she's annoying but you should see the way he talks to her when he doesn't know I'm home. And she worships him.
Kirby comes on all kinds of trips, from visiting grandma and grandpa, to camping and heading out to the cabin. Even at my parent's house she runs the roost. Within minutes Kita, my parents dog, has completely submitted to her and she takes over her dog bed, the table, the counter and occasionally the top of my dad's head.
Although we've only had her for just shy of a year, I can't imagine my life without that little butt. The first time (and last time, for now) we went away without her, I cried every night and made J "knead" my hair like she does every night. The sound of her purrrr is intoxicating and I will do anything to get my fix. If she looks even slightly comfortable I will do anything in my power to keep it that way, even if I am in complete agony in a contortionist position. Yup, I love my little Princess.
~ C
4 years ago
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