how every day, every day, every day, you save my life *
Oh Monday, how I hate you. Yet again I accomplished nothing this weekend and I'm totally upset with myself. I have a lot of work to do today to catch up. So of course I'm on here procrastinating! :) Oh I love how I'm ridiculously predictable.
I spent most of the weekend DMS-ing. It's like PMS-ing but the D stands for "During" instead of the P for "Pre". Haha. Actually I was pretty unbearable this weekend, I really don't know how J stands me. I get so upset and I just want to cry but of course I can't so I just sit there telling him "I'm just SO FRUSTRATED!!" over and over. Somehow he always makes me laugh by stopping me mid-sentence and saying "Babe, could you be frustrated?" or "Maybe you're just a little frustrated hun!". Ahhh. I was so ready to just drop out of school, burn down our apartment and kick our roomate out. Yeah, I was frustrated alright! Hopefully the rest of this week will go better, because even I'm sick of me.
J hasn't brought up the leaving thing lately so I figure I'm just gonna forget that it ever happened until he brings it up again. I don't want to stand in his way especially since he would never dream of standing in mine. It's just not worth stressing over right now because there is nothing I can do about it. I have 6 weeks left in my degree and if I feel that bad, I can just walk away with him.
Other than that the weekend was uneventful. I didn't get any of my homework done. The house isn't spotless and I still have piles of laundry to do. So it was pretty unsuccessful. But I did spend two days in bed watching movies and curling up with my heating pad, so that was nice. Kirby slept with me a lot and Joe had fun playing on Mom and Dad's bed for hours on end.
Today the sun is shining and I'm thinking about going for a nice run and then starting my day. The sun always changes my attitude on things.
* Now playing: Rascal Flatts - Every Day
via FoxyTunes
4 years ago
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