Okay so I actually really hate that song but it describes the long weekend perfectly!!! I had a great Canada Day long weekend, especially since J got 4 full days off in a row. It was amazing. It was fabulous to get out of the apartment and city for a few days out in the country.
Friday night we headed out to the Wack with my mother in law and brother in law in the new Jeep. I immediately got some sun so that was fantastic. Friday night was pretty laidback with MIL and I drinking margaritas in the sun on the deck for hours. The only bad thing was that they live in the Wack which is full of cottonwood which I am allergic to. My eyes started to bother me so I went to bed.
Saturday was chill at the house and my FIL's brother and 3 of his little kids came out for the night. It was so much fun to have the little ones around (4, 6 and 12) plus my brother in law (11). I played with the kids and drank with the adults. In the afternoon the cottonwood caught up to me and I broke out into massive hives all over my legs. It was terrible. After a ridiculously long trip to SuperStore to get some medication they started to go down after about 4 hours. The meds knocked me out though so I was asleep for a good portion of the afternoon. :(
Sunday was just us with my inlaws. We hung out and went to the waterslides for some cool fun. It was a blast. J and I haven't been in years so it was great. I actually got some studying in for my midterm this afternoon as well.
Monday was fun as J and I had the house to ourselves. The inlaws were buying a new fridge and bed so they went to Langley to pick up a truck and whatnot. We got to spend the day just together getting a few errands done around town and relaxing together. We drove around in the country, went running in cornfields, took a nap in the tent and played in the river. Then when the inlaws got home we helped move in their new fridge and bed (and took their old bed! YAY! king size, finally!!). Finally we went home Monday night to catch the fireworks in Langley.
Tuesday was Canada Day but we opted to hit up the park across the street for some R&R rather than hit up the big bashes around town. We bought some good bread, good cheese, deli meats and fresh fruit and laid on a blanket in the sun with Joe all afternoon. We talked, played with Joe, played frisbee, napped and read. It was fantastic but I have a bit of a burn on my back today. After the sun went down and the temperature dropped a bit we set up our new bed. We had to do some furniture switches with R receiving our old bed and our futon (that R had been using) being moved back into the living room. The apartment feels really full now but that's okay. We finally have a king size bed, I'm in heaven.
Today is back to the grind and I have a midterm in an hour. Yuck. I have to head out to Hope Friday night for some Dr and Dentist appointments, totally not looking forward to it. July is already going by so quickly as my agenda becomes more and more packed for this month. It's insane. I took an hour this afternoon to plan out my next school year and it is more busy than I would like. However, no matter what it is the last year of my undergrad .. thank goodness!!! I was ready to freak! haha.
Well, I have a midterm in less than an hour so I should probably run. There are a few interesting big developments going on in my life that I will share once they are more concrete. :)
~ C
* Sunshine and Summertime - Faith Hill
4 years ago
1 comment:
Hmmm... big developments?? You know I'm going to bug the snot of you until you tell me. lol
Glad to see you had a good vacation, sweetheart- you needed it! *smooches* I miss you, and I can't wait to see you on Tuesday!
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