... my parents live in the same small town *
Optional title: "I was born in a small town ... and I can breathe in a small town" (kinda ironic considering it's when I go back to the small towns that my allergies act up like crazy ... haha)
Another weekend, another post eh?! There is some new stuff in my life which is kinda nice.
First out, today is my niece Brook's 2nd birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROOK! I love you. :) Unfortunately, though I am in Hope, I can't go to her party today. I have developed laryngitis this weekend. Isn't that lovely? At least I got to be with Miss Brook Friday night and all day yesterday. My voice was really hoarse yesterday which Brook *loved* but today I have no voice. At. All. Totally. Completely. Gone. All that comes out is a wind sound. Yikes.
Also, I got a new job. YAY me. haha. I'm a receptionist at a Ford dealership in Langley. I got the job Friday. Only problem: I start tomorrow. Why is this a problem? Well, I have no voice. It's going to be hard to answer phones with hand signals! I'm really at a loss for what to do! I also have a presentation on Wednesday after work. Really, my timing to lose my voice is positively impeccable. I've been drinking tea with lemon and honey like it's going out of style. I have a nasal spray to clear any congestion, I've been taking steam baths and hot showers. Basically I've tried everything on WebMD (omg, did I just admit to self-diagnosing?). I have a dr. appointment tomorrow morning here in Hope (I already had it, it's why I'm in town). I'm fairly certain the laryngitis (or what I'm 98% positive is laryngitis) is a reaction to my allergies. Last weekend it was hives, this weekend laryngitis. I think I just have to stay away from the Fraser Valley (where the cottonwood is flying around like crazy) for awhile. Anyway, I can talk to the dr. about it (or WRITE to the dr. about it) tomorrow as I get my shot. Yup, a shot. I'm getting that new Guardasil vaccine. Should be interesting. The needles are in the fridge as we speak. Yes, needles, plural. The vaccine is a 3 shot set, the first, the second shot is 2 months after the first, and the third is 6 months after the first or 4 months after the 2nd. Ugh. Have a mentioned I have the most irrational fear of needles? I also have a dentist appointment tomorrow morning, really, I'm in for a great day tomorrow. :(
In better news, I ordered my new Macbook, iPod nano and printer this morning. YAY! They should be here by July 22. I'm excited. I already have a Mac desktop (eMac) and an older iPod nano. I can't wait for my new stuff to come in. :) I'm keeping my desktop just as it is as it is still fast and awesome. I really love my Mac. I just want a laptop for school and travelling and what not. My old iPod is going to J, he's really excited. He has an iPod shuffle but wants my nano now. I wouldn't be getting the nano or the printer if it weren't for the deal Mac has on. With the purchase of a new Mac you can choose a free 8GB iPod Nano or 8GB iPod Touch. Also, you get $100 off a new printer (there are Epson or Canon models to choose from). Basically, I get a free iPod and a brand new all-in-one Canon for $50. Go here to check it out. :)
Other than that, not much is new. I've been in Hope since Friday night. I went out to the bar with Brook's mom, Britt Friday night. It was fantastic and kinda awkward. I ran into people I haven't seen since grad and got some catching up in. Yesterday I got to spend lots of auntie time with the birthday girl and it was fantastic. I miss that munchkin like crazy, I wish I could be a part of her daily life. Today I guess I will just try to lay low, drink insane amounts of tea and get some studying in.
I hope you are having a fantastic weekend!
~ C
*Small Town - John Cougar Mellencamp (seriously, I love him!)
4 years ago
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