Thursday, July 31, 2008

Semester's End ...

So it's been awhile eh! Truthfully I have been the most boring person alive, there is literally nothing to tell you about!

School and work have been keeping me crazy, insane busy. By the 8th I have to hand in 2 final papers and write my final exam. That is it for me for the semester though. I took today off work to get some homework done, so fare all I have done is get more songs for this new computer! YIKES! I'm kinda screwed so I'll be cramming big time for the next week or so.

Yesterday was my baby bro's 19th birthday. Holy moly, I can't believe it. We had a nice family dinner in Chilliwack, it was fun. We all did shots and drank. Hehe. Good times. J is going with my parents to the cabin this weekend to do some work. I'm pretty jealous and really lucky to have a boyfriend who offered to go with my parents by himself for a 5 hour drive to spend a long weekend doing chores. Haha. What a sweetie. He loves the cabin just as much as I do and can't wait til it's all ours and we have some time to spend there. Oh time, why are you always in such short supply?

Speaking of J, he got more work done on his tattoos which is cool. He's currently in the middle of getting two full sleeves done. When we first moved to the city he got flames going up his left arm. They were just outlined forever but in the last two months he got them shaded and now he's almost done the colour. They look great. I can't wait til absolutely everything is done, but somehow I doubt he will EVER be completely done with tattoos. He's really sweet and has left a space for the tattoo I want but could never go through with and has plans for tattoos when he has kids. So cute. Omg. Love him. And since he can't wear a wedding ring as a welder, he has already told me that he wants a tattoo wedding band. I know it sounds tacky but if you knew him, you'd get it. Plus, how much more permanent can ya get eh! Haha, I guess I'll never have to wonder if he takes his ring off when he goes out with the boys! :P

Well, I really do have to get going. I'll be back with more and hopefully some interesting weddings stories in the next week or so! J is a groomsman on the 10th, so cute! I'm excited for this wedding, it will be fantastic!!

~ C

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I may just have to sneak into your trunk one day to check out this cabin. :-D

Where did J get his tats worked on?? I need to find a good, clean place for the one I'm planning on for graduation.