Saturday, August 2, 2008

Home Alone

I'm home alone all weekend. Considering I live with two boys you would think I would be estatic. It's Saturday night, I have no one to look after besides myself and the kids (who are both out like lights!). What more could a girl want? Apparently .. she wants her J. Badly. I'm so very lonely and so very bored. Sometimes when I'm ultra frustrated with the boys and their messy ways I fantasize about living on my own. Clean house, no scary dishes, no random visitors .... ahhhhhhh bliss. While my house is cleaner, I'm incredibly lonely. I miss my J. Kirby misses her daddy, she sat at the door for 3 hours crying. Even Joe keeps looking back looking for J. We miss him. At the moment I can't remember the last time we spent a weekend apart without me going to Hope for some random appointment. I think it was 2005. And I'm not exaggerating. I miss J. This is gonna be a rough long weekend .....

~ C

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're more than welcome to come over here, if you want to just sit around with someone for a while. :)

...or we could just trade. I haven't seen a truly empty house in quite a few years.
