So I've been MIA for quite awhile!!! Life has been kinda crazy busy. School finally wrapped up and I officially have a degree in Linguistics. Weird. I think I'm just glad it's over. Although classes do start back up for me on the 2nd. *sigh* Ah well, just the way it goes eh. Hehe.
So aside from finishing up my degree, we had a big wedding to go to! J was a groomsman, meaning he had to get all dolled up in a tux! Now I've seen him in a tux once, at our grad. But at that time he was just my crush, not my boyfriend. He was definitely the cutest thing ever. Unfortunately, he hated it so much I will never get to see him in a tux again, not even at our wedding lol. The wedding was fantastic. CONGRATS MR AND MRS WIEHE. We love you guys.
The only tough part about weddings these days is all the "so you're next" talk. Ugh. Seriously. People have been saying that to us for the last 3 years. Please please please back off. At one point I was totally eager and excited to get married. But the more I think of it, the more I see it as a huge expense that we cannot afford right now. The pressure from our families has been incredible. I feel like screaming, "I'm 21, he's 23!". It IS something we discuss a lot, it IS in our future plans, we just don't know when yet. We want my schooling to be settled, a house, a dog and money to throw the kind of wedding we want. I'm 21, why sacrifice and be in a rush right now? The baby wagon, however, is a whole 'nother story.Where do I sign up? :P Besides, I am really really really happy with my relationship right now. I don't want to change it. When we finally do decide that it is the right time for us to get married, we will let ya know, until then, let us enjoy our current situation! Mmkay? Thanks.
Other than that, I've been working like crazy. Today was my first day off of my summer I'break and I didn't get out of bed except to feed the kids. I've thoroughly enjoyed the day lol. Oooh new movie! Gotta run ...
~ C
* Now playing: Chuck Wicks - All I Ever Wanted
via FoxyTunes
4 years ago